Saturday, December 6, 2008


All marketers came together. . .

~And worked 1 program?
~And it was a fast moving 2x2?
~And you could cycle daily earning $540 each and every time?
~And the strongest marketers got to be in FIRST to do the "soft launch"?
~And it was only $200 one time?
~And the admin fee was only $60?
~And it featured products that you really want and can actually use?
~And the timing was perfect...just in time for the holidays?

2009 is right around the corner and something
great is happening! Three top marketers coming together
to bring you a new cycler that will give you just what
you want...and need!

Money in your pocket NOW and in the New Year to come.

Don't wait. You'll regret it if you do. Go here and sign up now:


Ja'Mille Wilborn

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Travel Tips

At my company (my 9-5) the encourage people to submit travel tips I will be bringing these tips to you as well from time to time... so find below some travel tips when traveling abroad...

• Register so the State Department can better assist you in an emergency: Register your travel plans with the State Department through a free online service at This will help us contact you if there is a family emergency in the U.S., or if there is a crisis where you are traveling. In accordance with the Privacy Act, information on your welfare and whereabouts will not be released to others without your express authorization.

• Sign passport, and fill in the emergency information: Make sure you have a signed, valid passport, and a visa, if required, and fill in the emergency information page of your passport.
• Leave copies of itinerary and passport data page: Leave copies of your itinerary, passport data page and visas with family or friends, so you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

• Check your overseas medical insurance coverage: Ask your medical insurance company if your policy applies overseas, and if it covers emergency expenses such as medical evacuation. If it does not, consider supplemental insurance.

• Familiarize yourself with local conditions and laws: While in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws. The State Department web site at has useful safety and other information about the countries you will visit.

• Take precautions to avoid being a target of crime: To avoid being a target of crime, do not wear conspicuous clothing or jewelry and do not carry excessive amounts of money. Also, do not leave unattended luggage in public areas and do not accept packages from strangers.

• Contact us in an emergency: Consular personnel at U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad and in the U.S. are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens. Contact information for U.S. Embassies and Consulates appears on the Bureau of Consular Affairs website at Also note that the Office of Overseas Citizen Services in the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs may be reached for assistance with emergencies at 1-888-407-4747, if calling from the U.S. or Canada, or 202-501-4444, if calling from overseas.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Online Travel Industry is Booming

Did you know that travel is not only the most searched topic on the internet, it is the world’s largest and fastest-growing industry. Nationwide travel already amounts to more that $1.3 Trillion yearly, and worldwide travel currently tops $7 Trillion. It is growing 23% faster than the global economy and is expected to double to $14 Trillion by the end of the decade.

Baby Boomers are retiring at a rate of about 1 every 8 seconds for the next 18 years.What do they want to do when they retire? The vast majority answer “travel” on questionnaires. They’ve saved up for it and they are ready to go where they never had the time or money to go before. The average American family spends $4,200 each year on vacations.

Thanks to TraVerus, we are in a unique position to help them not only travel everywhere they want to go – but to also make money doing it! If you’re not in that age group, don’t wait. Learn how to earn the money and create the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of. Do it now!

Let me show you how you can harness this powerful industry by starting your own home-based travel business.

Visit my website and watch the Company Presentation.
Then give me a call at 770-329-8415.
Get your share of this Multi-Trillion Dollar industry. Start today!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Seven Reasons I Joined TraVerus!

Our new presentation is NOW available for you. It will answer your questions, give you information, and excite you over the amazing business opportunity available through TraVerus!

Here are my 7 reasons for joining TraVerus.




I like travel and vacations, and could picture myself enjoying the product. Over $15,000 worth of vacations and cruises is a great deal when you're paying so little for it. I figured if I didn't end up selling TraVerus, it would still be worth what I paid for the vacations. How could I lose?


I was impressed by the LOW amount of cash necessary to get involved in TraVerus. Most businesses cost many thousands of dollars to start and you have to take over equipment leases, be saddled with Yellow Page advertising, weekly payrolls, inventory and accounting. The business ends up running you instead of you running it, yet it never would produce the kind of money TraVerus does, and I would have to work three times as hard.


I realized I didn't want to be tied down to a 9 to 5 job, or put in all the overtime hours required to make a small business succeed. I want to have money and the time to enjoy it. I set my own hours with TraVerus, and make sure it never interferes with my social life.


Lots of part-timers are making $500-$1,000 a week. Full-time TraVerus people can make even more. There is nothing exceptional about him, he just follows the system and makes the phone calls.


I was attracted to TraVerus because I wanted a very low pressure business. No time clock to punch, no manager to answer to, no employee problems to deal with or inter - office squabbles to settle. Now I work when it fits MY schedule. I have time to spend with my friends and family. My friends tell me I smile a lot more than I did this time last year.


I liked the fact that while TraVerus is an independent association and you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself, there is also a good training and support system in place to ensure success. My director worked with me to make sure I made sales when I first started.

We did conference calls with clients to help close sales, and still do today. We continue to share techniques and leads. I was introduced to other successful TraVerus people in order to raise my confidence level in the early weeks.

With my Sponsor's help - the same kind of help I'll be giving you - I was able to get the system down in a matter of days.


I wanted an opportunity that wouldn't make me a prisoner to an office. I can work from home, or travel and work on the road. All I need is a phone, a laptop computer, and I'm completely mobile. I wanted the flexibility to travel whenever I feel like it. Even cruise ships have Internet access these days, so I can combine TraVerus with my vacations.

I Look Forward To Hearing From You Soon,

Ja'Mille Wilborn

Contact Me:
Ja'Mille Wilborn
Ja'Mille Wilborn

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Want to fire your boss?

Are you in a job you hate, or that hates you? Wouldn’t you rather be on a beach someplace than going in to your J-O-B every day!

I have the solution for you! You can start part time, and there is nothing to store in your house or garage, no quotas to meet, costs less than $120, and has monthly fee under $60.

When you enroll, you’ll have a turnkey online travel agency website.

You don’t have to know anything about the travel business other than that you enjoy it. I’ll train you from there. We want you to succeed.

For the price of admittance, you’ll get me, and a great team of professionals to help you get your business off the ground. We will train you to be a Travel Professional, and show you how to generate the income you desire.

Tremendous tax benefits are available to those who have their own businesses. So why not take advantages of the same breaks big businesses get? Uncle Sam wants you to succeed too, he lets you deduct your business expenses first so you only pay tax on the remaining income.

Check this opportunity out at my website Ja'Mille Wilborn. I think you’ll find that this is a great way to get your life back.

Then give me a call at 770-329-8415 and I’ll help you create the life you’ve dreamed of!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

We have an awesome $119.95 promotional going on right NOW... Click the presentation on my blog and then call me - (770) 329-8415

Friday, September 12, 2008

When it rains it pours

Hmm, (sigh) I am trying to get my things in order... That is why I started traVerus to get my finances in order.. Things are coming along but it's a trickle

* Robbing Peter to pay Paul
* Taking a step forward only to be pushed back 3
* The trickle that eventually turns into a downpour

It is amazing how all the decisions in ones life comes back to recoup its investment... regardless if the decision was good or bad... man am I reaping what I sowed... I am going to have to learn when NOT to help others...

I am going to remain consistent pressing forward until all of my "WHY's" are met... So it's me and TraVerus - I deserve Greatness and I WILL WIN!!!

I know I am not the only one that feels this way?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How do you prospect: 10 points

1. Develop your spiritual life
  • Line up your spiritual life - ask for that which you wan
  • Prayer gives you humility (correct posturing)
  • If you don't know what to do or say ask - Pray first
  • Communicate non-verbally

2. Belief in what you do

  • Belief develops conviction
  • If you do not have belief; you are blocking your success
  • If you doubt or do not have believe - you convey that non-verbally
  • Belief will improve and increase your skills, business building and prospecting.

TraVerus is bigger than you – it is the greatest opportunity that you have ever seen in your life. You have a moral obligation to share this belief and conviction to offer the opportunity to others to succeed

3. Master the skill of listening

  • This is about others - what they want; what they need
  • Meet their needs - It is about them
  • Take notes - write their information down if via the telephone

4. You have to Increase the number of contacts/calls that you make

  • In person or over the phone
  • results in productivity

5. Master the art of controlling the conversation by asking questions

  • Ask questions of your prospect to find out what their needs are so you have the opportunity to deliver the message (in this case - of TraVerus) to them

6. It's not what you say but it's about how you say it

  • Others are listening to the music behind your message, your excitement
  • The posture, the tone of your voice - the way that you share your message
  • Be genuine

7. Develop your list of resources

  • This should be ongoing
  • You should always be adding to your list
  • Increase resource list by using memory joggers
  • Start a conversation with people that you run into when you are out and about

8. Master the "FORM" process

  • Find out about their personal life
  • Do this everywhere you go - ask about:

    F – Family
    O –occupation
    R – recreation
    M – message of TraVerus

9. Stay out of your own way

  • Do not let your ego stand in the way of yourself and your bank account
  • It is about your prospect – NOT YOU
  • Together we can create dynamic wealth
  • Do not worry about what others think or say about you
  • Do not allow their judgments to cloud your vision
  • JUST deliver the message and the package

10. Grow personally

  • Your financial growth will never exceed your personal growth
  • You have to grow to expand your vision and accept the wealth that is coming your way
  • You WILL become an absolute success
  • You have a responsibility to the world to share the message of TraVerus

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You Deserve BETTER check out TraVerus

Hmmm am I missing something?

I take the van pool to and from work - yes I am still at my job - I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!
As I commute, I sit and listen to the numerous conversations going on around me... "Man, I hate my job", "My pay stinks", "I am tired of getting up every morning", "I wish I could sleep in", "I don't always get my vacation day requests"... so on and so forth...

So I am geeked I am thinking what a wonderful opportunity to share TraVerus with them... so I begin to follow the 3 step process... get their contact information - I do this and send them our presentation... Followup with prospect - I do this and get "Well I really don't like to sell", "I don't have the time", "I don't like bothering my friends and family", "I don't have $99", "This is a pyramid scheme"... on and on and on and on...

So as I get off the phone I am flabbergasted - I think to myself - did I hear them correctly? This is an opportunity of a life time... It is easy money! It is a no-brainer! Why wouldn't someone want to travel all over the world (because we all know everyone travels and takes vacations) and get PAID!!

I am offering my personal time to help them build a legacy... It so easy!

I then realize that I need to get myself out of the way... when I follow-up with my prospects and pass them to my up line - they know how to appeal to the prospect - I do this and find it difficult to get in contact with any of my up lines b/c they are busy building for EVERYONE!

I am keep on pressing - God presents us with opportunities and it is our responsibility to work them... nothing gained easily is worth having!

I am going to remain positive... and stand on God's Word, [Do]"...not rely on ourselves but on God"!

David Bly says it best "Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Missing the point

Hey it is Monday and the day is almost over...
I have a friend that came into the business with me and it just takes 3 easy steps to get others in...
  • Make a list (of friends and family)
  • contact them and have them listen to Presidential Executive Sizzle (888-744-2435)
  • Call an up line (any above you)
She paid her $99 dollars to come and now she has gone on to another venture and needs to raise money ($600) - when I reminded her that she is sitting in a Gold mine she tells me, "I am not doing Traverus anymore. I have enough to do with these website and now Tiara is doing this pageant."

What to do?

Some will
Some won't
So what

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Opportunity presents itself...

Here it is another day - I have a Presidential update call to conference into later on this evening... I see the benefit of this wonderful business opportunity but others do not - I hear them complain about the gas and food prices rising and not enough pay. I offer them the opportunity to get up out of their just over broke (job) situations but all I hear are excuses "I don't like to sell", "I don't have $100", "I need to discuss this from my significant other", "it is a bad time right now", "I have to do research"... on and on and on...

When is it going to be the right time?
Who asked you to sell anything?
When will you have $100 to invest in the success of your future?
Why do you need permission to better your life?
When will you start and finish your research?

Opportunities to better our lives financially come to us often but how often are they turned down because it does not come in the form we want it?

Let me show you how to change the course of your life!

~Ja'Mille Wilborn

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Earning a living? What?!?

Ever since I had started working (at the young age of 17), I knew there had to more to life then getting up every single day and going into a job to earn a paycheck to just barely pay bills...UGH!!

I would get bored so easily and knew there had to be more to life that earning a living... I knew I was destined for greatness - there has been something inside of me discontent with the course of my life...

Why do I have to earn the right to live?
Am I being punished for being alive?
Who am I getting permission from?
Why does someone have more power over the outcome of my life than I do?
Why do I have to work so hard to get minimal means in return - is this what my effort is worth?

I did not go to college right out of high school so I basically had to take whatever jobs I could get - I have been a waitress (village Inn, Olive Garden), a cashier (wal-mart, some video places), an administrative assistant (too many to count)...

I got tired and had to find something to get me out of my rut... help me get the freedom and prosperity I deserve... Nothing in life comes easy though and I am working feverishly to break free of the social abnormality society is trying to place me in...

I have found residual income.... follow me as I experience the rise to success through TraVerus... Won't you join me?
